Below are some of the best Abraham Hicks Quotes to help you get aligned and into your Vortex.
“All I have to do is make myself feel good within my thoughts, and I’ve solved everything.”
“Anytime you feel good, you’ve found vibrational alignment with who you are.”
“As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who you really are.”
“Being at peace with where you are is the answer to all your problems.”
“Complaining about anything, holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you’ve been asking for. Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you’ve been asking for. Blaming someone, holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you’ve been asking for. Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn’t matter what you call it, it is a refusal, not a conscious one. You’re asking; you can’t help but ask. The Universe is yielding; it must yield. It’s a big question, folks: why aren’t you letting it in?”
“Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It’s the answer to getting everything that you want.”

“Life is supposed to feel good to you. That’s the primary reason for your being here.”
“I am where i am and it’s ok”
“It came. Not because of your struggle. But because of your ease.”
“It is ok for me to have everything I want“
“It will no longer be necessary for others to get you in order for you to stand and know who you are.”
“It’s close. Just don’t worry about how close it is. Distract yourself in the meantime and get ready for amazement as it comes.”

“I am Source Energy in a human body”

“Love is the only vibration that comes from Source.”
“Love is your power”
“Satisfaction is a state of mind, not a state of condition.”
“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness.”
“The more you maintain good feeling frequencies, the more the Law of Attraction will deliver to you other thoughts, experiences, people, and things that match your practiced vibration.”

“The path to allowing what I want is the path of happiness and joy and feeling good.”
“The Universe is not responding to your words or your action! The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling!”
“The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel.”
“The vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you and the non-physical you.”
“There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it.”
“There is nothing that exists in your desire that you cannot fully manifest.”

“Things are always working out for me because I can feel that there are a whole lot of non-physical beings who have my back.”
“What you all want is: Mastery of focus. Mastery of vibration. Mastery of emotions. And then the fun begins.”
“When you understand the power of feeling good now, no matter what, you will hold the key to the achievement of any state of being you desire.”
“Without exception, those of you who are in physical form have inner beings who are eager -literally jumping up and down with enthusiasm- at the prospect of interacting with you.”
“You are beloved, blessed beings who deserve good things”
“You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy-frolicking and eager.”
“You have to begin to tell the story of your life as you now want it to be and discontinue the tales of how it has been or of how it is.”
“You only have to ask the Universe once. What you have to practice again and again is allowing.”
“Your optimum experience is to be awake and exhilarated. Your next optimum experience is to be asleep. Your least optimum experience is to be awake and worried, or fearful about something.”
“Your work is to create the feeling in yourself even before you have the marriage, even before you have the money, even before you have the thing, even before you have the property.”
“I’m not facing reality I’m creating reality”
Also check out this collection of Abraham hicks Wallpaper quotes pics you can use on your phone’s lockscreen or wallpaper.
And here are some more Abraham hicks Quotes on Unconditional love and Self-Love